
How Long Do Implant Supported Dentures Last?

Implant supported dentures offer an alternative treatment plan to dentures. By using implants to support your dentures, you can enjoy a permanent restoration that will look, feel and function just like natural teeth.

While dentures might be able to restore the appearance of a complete smile, implant supported dentures offer the possibility of restoring the function of your natural teeth.

While implant supported dentures might be growing in popularity, this treatment is still more expensive than regular dentures. This is why prospective patients will often want to know about the lifetime value of this treatment. And to determine this, we need to know how long implant support dentures will last.

In this guide, we’re taking a deep dive into the lifespan of implant supported dentures and the steps you can take to make sure your implants last as long as possible.

How long do implant supported dentures last?

How long do implant supported dentures last?

Implant supported dentures are actually made up of many different components with different expected lifespans. This is why your dentist might struggle to give you a simple answer to this question.

  • The titanium implants that are placed in your jaw are designed to last a lifetime. These should not break, wear down or need replacing for any reason. The only reason you might remove your implants is if you develop a condition that causes the implants to be rejected.

  • The abutments that attach the denture to the implant are also designed to last a lifetime. This should be the case whether you choose a fixed or removable implant.

  • The denture restoration will be made from porcelain or similar materials. Most dentures will last for around 10-15 years, but some will last for much longer. With the right care, you could be waiting 20 years before you need to think about replacing or repairing your denture.

What can influence the lifespan of your implants?

What can influence the lifespan of your implants?

There are so many factors that can impact the lifespan of your dentures. This includes your lifestyle, daily habits, and how well you care for your implants. There are also certain behaviours you can avoid to help reduce the risk of damage to your denture.

As mentioned above, your implants and abutments are unlikely to be damaged by anything you do, unless you have a traumatic injury. If this is the case, we would recommend visiting the dentist as soon as possible to check for damage to your jawbone, implants or abutments.

Your denture will be made of porcelain and will be much more likely to suffer damage. Common issues include cracks, chips and discolouration. By adhering to the following advice, you could limit the chances that you have to replace your denture early.

  • Avoid using your teeth to chew ice, tear sellotape, bite your nails or open packages. Using your teeth for anything other than chewing food can lead to damage.

  • Be mindful of foods in your diet that could cause damage to your teeth. Common culprits include popcorn kernels, pizza crust, apples, toffee and hard sweets.

  • Visit your dentist regularly for checkups. A small crack in your denture could be addressed if it is caught early, and this could help you to avoid a much more expensive repair or complete replacements.

  • Visit the dental hygienist. Your denture won’t respond to whitening treatments, but you can clean the surface of your denture by visiting the dental hygienist. They will use a stream of high pressured air, water and fine grit particles to gently remove staining from your denture.

  • If you have a removable denture, make sure you are careful about where you place it when it is out of your mouth. Contact with other hard porcelain surfaces like your bathroom sink could lead to cracks and breaks.

Final thoughts

With the right care and attention, your implant supported denture could last for as long as 20 years before you have to think about replacing or repairing anything. The best way to protect your implant supported dentures is to work closely with your dentist and dental hygienist.

They will help you to develop good habits that will protect your denture and avoid the need for premature replacements. Get in touch today if you’re ready to start the implant supported denture journey with us.

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